Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most common questions we get about our fall arrest systems, fall protection equipment, and other safety products.

Fall Protection Anchor Points

  • Should the wear sleeve on a concrete anchor strap protrude beyond the edge of the pour?

    Yes, the wear sleeve should extend beyond the edge to protect the anchor strap. Incorrect installation can allow the webbing to come into direct contact with rough edges of the cured concrete. When the strap is used incorrectly, the webbing is much more prone to damage and degradation. Therefore, straps that do not have the wear sleeve protruding beyond the edge of the pour should be removed. 

  • Can the FS830 series of coated cable chokers be wrapped around a structure multiple times?

    Yes. There is nothing to prohibit usage in instances where multiple wraps of the cable choker would need to be made around a structure prior to pass-through of the O-rings and attachment. There are varying sizes of structures in the field that may require more than one wrap of the cable and the FS830 series cable chokers are designed to allow for such attachment.

  • Can a horizontal lifeline be used with the Safewaze SW900 Parapet Wall Anchor?

    Yes. The SW900 is suitable for use with a horizontal lifeline as long as the lifeline runs perpendicular to the parapet wall on which the SW900 is installed.  Under no circumstance can a horizontal lifeline be used with a SW900 in a configuration where the lifeline runs parallel with the parapet wall.

  • Can a cross arm strap be used as an anchor point for a horizontal lifeline (HLL)?

    Yes. Safewaze cross arm straps may be used as the anchorage connector component of a compatible HLL system. Suitability must be determined on-site by a competent person. Any length of cross arm strap may be used with an HLL provided the competent person assesses the complete system and determines the strap length will not result in a free fall which exceeds the limits permitted by the system. 

  • What is the proper method for use of Safewaze vertical beam anchors with a horizontal lifeline?

    Safewaze offers a Vertical/Stationary Beam Anchor: 019-4009. Proper installation method as well as HLL attachment, capacities and more, can be found in the anchor's individual instruction manual.

  • Can a temporary fixed beam anchor be used as an intermediate anchor point for the SafeLink horizontal lifeline system?

    Yes. Use of a temporary fixed beam anchor as an intermediate attachment point for inverted SafeLink installation is an acceptable installation method. 

  • What is a Tie-Back Connector?

    A tie-back connector is a versatile piece of fall protection equipment that serves two functions:

    1. Standard Connector: Functions as a self-retracting lifeline (SRL) or energy absorbing lanyard.
    2. Anchorage Connector: Acts as an anchorage connector by wrapping around a rated structure (I-beams or columns) and attaching back to itself.

    Tie-back connectors completely remove the need for a separate anchorage device, streamlining the equipment workers require on the job. Whether looping securely around an I-beam, wrapping around a concrete column or attaching to other suitable structures, these connectors are extremely versatile and eliminate the need for a separate anchor. Unlike standard lanyards, these connectors are specially designed with locking snap hooks capable of withstanding forces when tied back into their own webbing. Standard hooks, on the other hand, lack this capability, as the gate - the weakest point of the hook - can bend or fail under the stress of a fall.

    OSHA states:

    "Unless a snap hook is a locking type specifically designed for the purpose of tying back into a lanyard, it shall not be engaged directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope."

    This means only connectors specifically designed for tie-back use are safe and compliant.


    Under no circumstances should a user ever tie a connector back into itself unless that connector is specifically designed for that purpose.

  • Can the FS-EX311 single standing seam roof bracket anchor be used with Safewaze roofing kits?

    Yes. The FS-EX311 can be used with any Safewaze roofing kit. However, the user must be aware that the structure to which the FS-EX311 is being attached must meet all pertinent OSHA, ANSI and local regulations and standards pertaining to anchorage strength.  

    OSHA 1926.500 and 1910.66 states, “Anchorages used for attachment of a personal fall arrest system (PFAS) shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and must support at least 5000 lbs. (4kN) per user attached; or be designed, installed and used as part of a complete PFAS which maintains a safety factor of at least two and is supervised by a qualified person.”

  • Can the Safewaze FS-EX400-15 ratchet anchor strap be use on finished concrete?

    Yes. Both sizes of Safewaze FS-EX400 series ratchet anchor straps are suitable for use on finished concrete.

  • Can an overhead crane be used as a fall protection anchorage point?

    OSHA allows workers to tie off directly to a non-moving crane or below the hook attachment in construction applications. OSHA states that a personal fall arrest system is permitted to be anchored to the crane’s hook when the following requirement is met: a qualified person has determined that the setup and rated capacity of the crane including the hook, load line and rigging meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in 1926.1423(d)(15) as stated below: 

    (15) Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of supporting at least 5000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee attached; or shall be designed, installed and used as follows:
    (i) as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two
    (ii) under the supervision of a qualified person

    OSHA does not define how many workers can be tied off to the approved hook at one time. Most assume that it is only one and many companies limit the maximum number of workers to two. The safety professional in charge must use his or her professional judgment to determine what is safest for that particular application. 

    For general industry, OSHA can allow direct attachment to a crane only if you are following OSHA’s hierarchy of controls. This means that the crane attachment point, crane controls and administrative controls must be engineered or validated by a qualified person. Contact your local OSHA office for proper clarifications. 

    For fall protection coverage in linear work areas, a qualified engineer can add an enclosed track anchorage system along crane bridges. In this situation, the administrative controls require the crane to be locked out and tagged out before using its structure as a fall arrest anchorage point. 

Fall Protection Definitions

  • What is the difference between a positioning lanyard and an energy or shock absorbing lanyard?

    A positioning lanyard is one component of a positioning device system. A positioning device system is used for fall restraint rather than fall arrest and consists of three parts: a belt or body harness, a lanyard and an anchor point. The positioning lanyard is the device which connects the harness to an anchor point and permits falls of 2 ft. or less. All positioning equipment must meet OSHA and ANSI standards. 

    An energy absorbing lanyard is used with a personal fall arrest system, which is different than a positioning device system. A fall arrest system’s goal is to lessen any forces on a worker’s body during a fall. ANSI standards allow for various ways of accomplishing this, such as the tearing of materials or breaking of stitches. These lanyards can be worn by the user or be part of a horizontal or vertical lifeline subsystem. 

    If potential for a fall exists, an energy absorbing lanyard is preferred over a positioning lanyard. Also note that if a worker is using a positioning device with a personal fall arrest system, they should utilize a harness that is designed to have attachment points for BOTH systems. 

  • What is a double-locking snaphook?

    ANSI Z359 defines a snaphook as “a connector comprised of a hook-shaped body with a normally closed gate or similar arrangement that may be opened to permit the hook to receive an object and, when released, automatically closes to retain the object.” 

    Snaphooks typically “snap” closed and generally come in two types:    

    1. Automatic-locking: These hooks have a self-closing and self-locking gate which remains closed and locked until intentionally unlocked and opened for connection or disconnection. Required by ANSI Z359.
    2. Non-locking: These hooks have a self-closing gate which remains closed but not locked until intentionally opened for connection or disconnection. Not permitted by ANSI Z359.

    A double-locking snaphook is an automatic-locking hook. The “double” refers to the two-step action required to unlock and open the gate. It also refers to the self-closing and self-locking operations that take place once the hook is released. 

  • What is a pelican hook?

    A pelican hook usually refers to a hook with a large gate opening, typically in the 60 mm (2-2 ¼ in.) range. These types of hooks are often referred to as “rebar” hooks due to their association with and common incorporation into rebar chain assemblies. These assemblies are used for work positioning when tying rebar.

  • How do I calculate fall clearance?

    Determining fall clearance is perhaps the most important aspect of fall protection. If not properly calculated, the wrong equipment could be selected for a particular job and, in the event of a fall, the result could be devastating. 

    Fall clearance is the minimum distance needed for equipment to arrest (or stop) a fall and keep a worker from striking the ground or the next lowest surface. It is not a simple distance calculation. There are many factors to consider, such as: 

    • Free Fall
    • Lanyard Length
    • Deceleration Distance/Arrest Distance
    • Harness Stretch
    • Height of Worker (Working Surface to Dorsal D-Ring)
    • Safety Factor
    • Swing Fall Drop Distance

    If the distance between the anchor point and nearest obstruction is less than the determined fall clearance, the fall arrest system will not protect a worker from hitting a lower surface. 

    Another consideration are situations known as swing falls. A swing fall occurs when an anchorage point is not directly above a worker. The nature of these falls means that adjusted calculations must be made. 

    View examples below on how to calculate fall clearance for Class 1 (overhead) SRLs, Class 2 (below D-ring) SRLs, 6' and 12' free fall lanyards.

    View Fall Clearance Chart

  • What is the difference between passive and active fall protection?

    Passive Fall Protection: This is a system that is fixed (stationary) and does not require worker interaction, such as a guardrail, hole cover or netting system.  

    Active Fall Protection: This type of system is mobile and requires a worker to use specific equipment. Fall arrest and fall restraint systems are two types of active fall protection.

  • What is the difference between fall protection, fall arrest and fall restraint?

    Fall Protection: This general term covers all methods of protecting workers against a fall, including both passive and active systems. Note that this use of “fall” references one from height.  

    Fall Arrest: This is an active fall protection system that arrests or stops a body from hitting a lower surface once a fall has occurred. This system typically includes: [1] an anchor point or series of anchor points; [2] a connector such as an energy-absorbing lanyard or SRL; and [3] bodywear such as a harness.

    Fall Restraint: This is an active fall protection system that focuses on keeping a worker from getting close to a fall hazard in order to avoid a fall. These systems use many of the same elements as a fall arrest system. They are most often designed with specific-length lanyards and are utilized on a walking or working surface such as an open rooftop, platform or other surface near a fall hazard. 

  • What is the Hierarchy of Fall Protection?

    The Hierarchy of Fall Protection is the preferred order of control for fall hazards. As the hierarchy progresses, so does the level of risk.

    1. Hazard Elimination: Removal of any risk of fall hazard. Zero risk level.
    2. Passive Fall Protection: Placement of physical barriers like guardrails around unprotected edges and covers over open holes.
    3. Fall Restraint Systems: Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to limit a worker’s field of movement, preventing a fall.
    4. Fall Arrest Systems: Use of PPE to reduce the impact of a fall to within acceptable force and clearance margins and prevent striking a lower level.
    5. Administrative Controls: Implementation of workplace practices and procedures which alert a worker to all fall hazards. This is the least preferred method offering no means of physical protection. High risk level.

  • What is a personal fall arrest system (PFAS)?

    ANSI/ASSE Z359.0 defines a PFAS as “an assembly of components and subsystems used to arrest a person in a free fall.” Typically, a PFAS consists of: [1] an anchorage device; [2] a full body harness; and [3] a connector. At the most basic level, the anchor attaches to the structure upon which the user is working. The harness contains the body of the user. The connector fastens the user’s harness to the anchor and manages the forces associated with the arrest.

  • What is a swing fall?

    The ANSI/ASSE Z359.0-2012 standard says, “a swing fall is a pendulum-like motion that occurs during and/or after a vertical fall. A swing fall results when an authorized person begins a fall from a position that is located horizontally away from a fixed anchorage.” 

    Swing falls are typically associated with the use of a self-retracting lanyard because an SRL can be installed at greater heights than shock absorbing lanyards. If cable is let out of the device as a result of the user moving away from the device horizontally, a fall and the subsequent locking of the SRL will cause the user to “swing” like a pendulum back towards the center anchor point. The possibility of a swing fall requires adjusted calculations for fall clearance.

  • What does the term “100 percent tie-off” in fall protection refer to?

    “100% tie-off” or “100% fall protection” means that when a worker is exposed to potential fall hazards, he or she must be protected by an active or passive fall protection system 100% of the time. Active systems include fall arrest systems such as those with an anchor, full body harness and connecting lanyard. A passive system could be a guardrail or netting. For example, when a guideline indicates that 100% fall protection is required above 6 feet, a worker climbing a fixed ladder of any height above 6 feet should be protected by a ladder climb system, cage or other active fall protection while climbing as well as when exiting the ladder onto the working surface. A positioning or travel restraint device could be a part of this 100% fall protection system. Most often, a backup fall arrest system is also used while connected to the positioning or travel restraint system to ensure 100% tie-off at all times.

  • What is suspension trauma?

    Suspension trauma, also known as orthostatic intolerance or harness hang syndrome, is a deadly condition caused by a long period of restricted blood circulation. Symptoms include:

    • Lightheadedness
    • Palpitations
    • Tremulousness
    • Poor concentration
    • Fatigue
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness
    • Headache
    • Sweating
    • Weakness or fainting upon standing
    • Unconsciousness

    Orthostatic intolerance first begins when a worker experiences a fall and is suspended above the ground, typically when using a fall arrest system. While suspended, a worker may become unconscious and the length of suspension combined with venous pooling (blood collecting in the veins) could result in death. Such fatalities can occur in less than 30 minutes and even as little as 10 minutes. OSHA mandates that rescue be made within 4-6 minutes. 

  • What is a fall protection plan?

    A fall protection plan is a detailed safety plan for workers who will perform work at an elevated area. These advance plans must be worksite specific and made available to all employees.  

    The following factors should be considered when developing a fall protection plan: 

    1. Potential fall hazards on-site within the work area.
    2. Fall protection applications that employees will encounter with the appropriate equipment they need to work safely.
    3. Procedures for the assembly, maintenance, inspection and disassembly of all fall protection systems used on-site.
    4. Procedures for handling, storing and securing all tools and materials.
    5. Training methods for employees at the worksite.
    6. Prompt, safe rescue procedures in the event of injured workers.
  • What is a fall protection rescue plan?

    A written rescue plan is part of an overall fall protection plan and is required by OSHA. The written rescue plan must be site specific and include step-by-step procedures for self rescue, assisted rescue, or multi-person evacuation. The following four topics must be addressed when developing and implementing your rescue plan: 

    1. Who will be executing the rescue?
    2. Where will the rescue take place?
    3. What type of equipment is required to safely conduct the rescue?
    4. What are our rescue options for this area?

    A rescue plan is a living document and must be updated as new equipment is brought onto the worksite.  It must be read and understood by any workers who will be impacted by the information it contains. 

  • What is the difference between OSHA and ANSI?

    OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) are both important organizations focused on keeping workers safe. While there is overlap between the two, their roles are different. 

    OSHA is a division of the U.S. Department of Labor charged with setting and enforcing safety regulations in the workplace. OSHA also provides training, outreach, education and assistance to workers in order to increase awareness and understanding of these regulations. OSHA regulations are governing law and therefore mandatory, meaning all workplaces and employers must comply. Those who do not comply can face serious consequences, including citations and hefty fines. OSHA regulations are established to ensure safe working conditions. Due to the lengthy process involved in making updates, they often fall short of delivering the most comprehensive and up-to-date safety information.  

    ANSI is a non-governmental body which exists to promote and facilitate voluntary consensus standards (guidelines that are universally accepted). Some of these standards are aimed at improving worker safety on the job, such as the Z359 series for fall protection. ANSI standards are recommended guidelines which better represent the thinking of industry experts. They are more in-depth than OSHA regulations, generally more current and require revision or reaffirmation every five years. A significant number of ANSI recommendations relate to fall arrest equipment and PPE, acting to fill the gaps in OSHA's fall protection regulations. There are cases where OSHA does not have published rules which address specific issues, so they often look to manufacturer guidelines. ANSI standards serve to fill those holes with best-practice, easy-to-understand guidelines. 

    ANSI standards are not mandatory and following them is not required by law. While manufacturers and employers can choose to ignore ANSI standards without facing any monetary penalty, doing so could place worker safety in jeopardy. 

    Even though OSHA and ANSI are separate organizations, the regulations and standards related to safety and health are of paramount consideration for both. In that sense, they are deeply intertwined and should be used together to enhance and strengthen the safety of workers. Worksites that truly put safety first are known to actively follow all relevant OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. 

  • What is a leading edge hazard?

    A simple way to answer is to ask if there is any chance that the connecting device may come into contact with an edge. If the SRL or lanyard may hit the outer limit of a structure, such as the edge of a roof or side of a beam or deck, the answer is yes. OSHA 1926.751 states:

    Leading edge means the unprotected side and edge of a floor, roof, or formwork for a floor or other walking/working surface (such as deck) which changes location as additional floor, roof, decking or formwork sections are placed, formed or constructed.


    • Worker may be tied off below D-ring or at foot level
    • Often a sharp or abrasive unfinished part of working surface
    • Edge changes as the work continues or progresses


    • Rough edges may cut or fray device cable or webbing
    • Extreme force when connection hits edge can damage device
    • Worker subject to longer falls before fall arrest system activates
    • Worker subject to greater arrest forces due to isolated cable or webbing over the edge
    • Increased swing fall potential for fallen worker


    • PPE designed, tested and rated specifically for leading edge
    • OSHA requires specialized LE fall protection equipment for any work within 6’ of leading edge

    Bottom Line: To ensure worker safety, use only fall protection equipment specifically labeled for leading edge in a leading edge situation.

  • What are horizontal and vertical lifelines?

    Horizontal lifelines, known as HLLs, and vertical lifelines, known as VLLs, are important tools used as part of a complete fall protection system, providing anchorage for use with the appropriate harness and connector. Both types of lifelines utilize high-strength cable or rope which acts as the secure attachment point for fall arrest or fall restraint. They can be permanent or temporary. As the names imply, an HLL runs side to side (horizontally) while a VLL runs up and down (vertically) offering the worker additional range and mobility.

    An HLL must be securely anchored at both ends and may also include intermediate anchor points. Designed for use by one or more workers, HLLs may be anchored overhead or at foot level. Connection is made with a device (Personal SRLs – SRL-Ps) that attaches the user to the HLL, or via an SRL that is anchored to the HLL and extended to connect to the user’s dorsal (back) D-ring. Connection to the HLL should be facilitated using an ANSI Z359.12-2019 compliant steel O-ring. User(s) should avoid direct connection to the HLL with a snap hook or carabiner as this may result in premature wear of lifeline components. All HLLs must comply with OSHA regulation 1926.502 and be, “designed, installed, and used under the supervision of a qualified person as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two.” These systems can provide increased freedom of movement while working on rooftops and in construction as well as providing fall protection solutions for window-washing, confined space operations and scaffolding.

    A VLL must be securely attached at the top and may or a not be attached at the bottom depending on application. They can be designed for use by one or multiple workers who use a positioning device, such as a rope grab, attached at the sternal (front) D-ring to control the worker’s movement up and down. The bottom end of the lifeline must be designed to ensure the rope grab does not slip off the lifeline and all VLLs must meet the OSHA guideline for minimum breaking strength of 5,000 lbs. These lifelines provide security in fall arrest and fall restraint for ladder and tower climbing as well as in roofing and general construction.

Fall Arrest System Equipment Use

  • What is the life expectancy of fall protection equipment?

    Safewaze recommends inspection before each use and at least one time annually by a competent person other than the user. If the fall protection product passes inspection, it is safe to use. If a product has experienced a fall, it must be taken out of service for repair or replacement. Full body harnesses and energy absorbing lanyards exposed to a fall arrest need to be immediately removed from service and replaced. [Note: In 2012, ANSI/ASSE A10.32 was removed, so fall protection products do not normally incorporate a mandatory expiration date.]

  • How long can Safewaze products be used before they must be replaced?

    Whereas OSHA and ANSI do not state a mandatory life for any products, Safewaze instructions state that a competent person other than the user should perform an in-depth inspection of products at least annually. Additionally, the user should inspect equipment before each use in accordance with OSHA and ANSI guidelines as stated:   

    • ANSI Z359 fall protection code directs a competent person other than the user inspect products at least once a year. 
    • ANSI A10.32-2004 states that a competent person should inspect products every six months. This is also mandated by ANSI A10.14-1991. 
    • ANSI Z359.14-2014 states that SRLs shall be inspected by the authorized person or rescuer before each use. Additionally, inspections shall be conducted by a competent person other than the user.  
    • OSHA 1910.66 and 1926.502 state that all defective components be removed from service. There is not, however, a guideline for formal inspection periods. There is a requirement for there to be an inspection before each use.
  • I have fall protection equipment from a previous job. Can I use the same equipment on a new job site?

    Every worksite is different and contains its own unique challenges and fall hazards. While most fall protection equipment today is manufactured to be versatile, that does not guarantee that the devices used on the last job are the best solution for a new job. Some applications require job-specific equipment to ensure the safety of workers. 

    For example, those working in fields that do welding or electrical maintenance require a harness made with special materials that offer fire resistance and arc flash protection. The type of lanyard or self-retracting lifeline needed may also change depending on variables such as anchorage locations, fall clearance and the set-up of the worksite. 

    Fall protection equipment will not keep workers safe unless it is the right equipment for the job and used properly. Do not skip the research needed for a new worksite and the auditing of safety equipment to save time or money. Work with a qualified distributor or equipment manufacturer such as Safewaze to determine exactly what is needed. If you do not have the right equipment for the job, workers are not fully protected. Not only can shortcuts create unsafe work conditions and endanger workers, it can multiply the cost in time or money when a citation or accident occurs.

  • What is a Tie-Back Connector?

    A tie-back connector is a versatile piece of fall protection equipment that serves two functions:

    1. Standard Connector: Functions as a self-retracting lifeline (SRL) or energy absorbing lanyard.
    2. Anchorage Connector: Acts as an anchorage connector by wrapping around a rated structure (I-beams or columns) and attaching back to itself.

    Tie-back connectors completely remove the need for a separate anchorage device, streamlining the equipment workers require on the job. Whether looping securely around an I-beam, wrapping around a concrete column or attaching to other suitable structures, these connectors are extremely versatile and eliminate the need for a separate anchor. Unlike standard lanyards, these connectors are specially designed with locking snap hooks capable of withstanding forces when tied back into their own webbing. Standard hooks, on the other hand, lack this capability, as the gate - the weakest point of the hook - can bend or fail under the stress of a fall.

    OSHA states:

    "Unless a snap hook is a locking type specifically designed for the purpose of tying back into a lanyard, it shall not be engaged directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope."

    This means only connectors specifically designed for tie-back use are safe and compliant.


    Under no circumstances should a user ever tie a connector back into itself unless that connector is specifically designed for that purpose.

  • Can the FS33310 positioning lanyard be used in fall restraint applications?

    Yes. The FS33310 positioning lanyard is typically used in positioning applications, it is also suitable for use in fall restraint applications. The user must always account for the fully deployed length of the lanyard and the structure to which the lanyard is attached must withstand loads of at least 1000 lbs. applied in the directions permitted by the system.   

    If used in a fall restraint application, this lanyard may only be used on surfaces where the slope does not exceed 4 in 12 (vertical to horizontal).

  • What are the minimum and maximum weights for my harness?

    Based on extensive testing, Safewaze harnesses are certified at a user weight rating of 85-420 lbs. including clothing and equipment in accordance with OSHA and ANSI guidelines.

    OSHA regulation and ANSI standard both specify a standard maximum combined weight of user, clothing, tools and equipment of 310 lbs. OSHA allows an exception for a higher capacity provided that equivalent protection is provided and validated by the manufacturer. The ANSI Z359 Fall Protection code requires individual end-user weight ratings within 130 lbs. to 310 lbs. The primary concern around increasing weight capacity involves potential health risks from complications of orthostatic intolerance (suspension trauma) that could be experienced by a worker weighing more than 310 lbs.

    Many full body harnesses manufactured in the United Sates can support additional weight safely. The determining factor in a successful fall arrest for a user in such a situation is the capability of the energy absorbing self-retracting lanyard. When a deceleration device limits maximum arrest forces to less than 1800 lbs. and prevents the user from hitting the next lower lever or an object in the fall path, the harness functions properly in the event of a fall.

    Note that Safewaze products are labelled in accordance with ANSI 130-310 lbs. and OSHA maximum weight capacity of 420 lbs. We have conclusively determined that our equipment maintains an average arrest force within or below the required standards and have verified user weights from 85- 420 lbs. For any further questions on user weights on a personal fall arrest system rated outside the ANSI 130-310 lbs. range, please consult a Safewaze fall protection specialist.

  • Can more than one worker share a fall protection harness?

    Yes. OSHA requires employers to provide fall protection for each employee exposed to fall hazards. They do not, however, require each worker to have their own equipment. A harness with universal sizing has five areas of adjustment – chest strap, two torso adjusters and two leg buckles – to provide for different body shapes and sizes when different workers may share the same harness.

    The most important factors to consider when wearing a safety harness are the same whether it is one issued to a single worker or one that will be shared by multiple workers.

    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the person wearing it. While every worker should check their harness for fit before each use, sharing a harness may mean it will need to be fully readjusted every time. Tongue buckle leg connections are often preferred for easier adjustment on a shared harness. Employees should be trained on how to properly fit the harness they will need to wear for the job.
    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the work environment. A harness may be shared between workers but not necessarily between functions. What works for one application may not work in another and could even create a greater hazard. For instance, a padded shoulder may add comfort in construction but be too hot in a factory. Even more critical, a construction harness would not be safe to use in a welding or arc flash environment.
  • Can you mix different manufacturer brands in one fall protection system?

    Yes – provided [1] a competent person on-site has overseen the entire system to ensure compatibility, and [2] use of each component meets the manufacturer requirements for its individual use [3] The manufacturer’s instructions are read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).

    OSHA frames it this way, “Individual components in a fall arrest or positioning device system may be made by different manufacturers as long as they meet the compatibility requirements.” They go on to callout both the evaluation by a competent person and the importance of adhering to manufacturer guidelines.

    ANSI outlines product compatibility in Z359.6-2016, “All directly connected components of an active fall protection system shall be compatible, such that they perform as intended and cannot unintentionally disengage on their own during the use of the system or during a fall event.”

    Utilizing components designed to be used together as a system ensures component compatibility. However, it is not uncommon for companies to source products from more than one vendor based upon criteria such as availability, price or durability. Safewaze products, like those of other manufacturers, are tested in accordance with all relevant OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Our products may be used in conjunction with equipment from other manufacturers when that use is approved by the competent person on-site in accordance with stated instructions.

  • How do I access manuals for SRLs under the ANSI Z359.14-2014 standard?
    The new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard goes into effect as a rolling change. This means that SRLs under the 2014 standard, manufactured before August 2023 and marked to Class A and Class B, will remain in the field as long as they remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines. You can easily access manuals for these units by clicking on the appropriate product line below.

  • What is Safewaze's product warranty?

    Express Warranty: Safewaze warrants that all products are free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service in accordance with manufacturer instructions. To utilize our warranty, simply contact Customer Service and arrange to return the product. Upon inspection, Safewaze will determine the appropriate course of action including certified repair, replacement with a new or comparable product or credit of the purchase price.

    Safewaze is not liable for defects that are the result of product abuse, misuse, alteration or modification or for defects that are due to a failure to install, maintain or use the product in strict accordance with manufacturer instructions. No other warranty, express or implied, shall extend beyond the stated terms of this warranty.

    Statement on Product Life: Safewaze products should be inspected before each use plus have a documented inspection once annually by a competent person other than the user. If the fall protection product passes inspection, it is safe to use. All fall protection equipment subject to fall arrest forces must be immediately removed from service per OSHA 1910.66 and OSHA 1926.502.

  • How do I choose between a cable and web SRL?
    As the name implies, the primary difference between a cable and a web SRL is the material used for the lifeline. When selecting an SRL, you should also keep in mind their intended use, durability and weight:
    • Material: Web SRLs use a flexible woven webbing material, similar to the material used in full body harnesses, while cable SRLs use steel or stainless-steel cable.
    • Intended Use: Cable SRLs are designed for harsh environments where the lifeline could be exposed to abrasion or harsh chemicals. Web SRLs are better suited for environments where the webbing may come into contact with surfaces that could be damaged by a cable. Note that a Class 2 SRL is required if the lifeline could contact a sharp edge – both web and cable Class 2 SRL options are available.
    • Durability: Cable SRLs with metal lifelines generally offer superior resistance to cuts, abrasions and harsh environmental conditions, making them more durable in rugged environments. Specialty environments, such as within welding and arc flash, call for specially rated materials and devices.
    • Weight: Web SRLs are usually lighter than their cable counterparts, allowing the worker to move around more easily as well as offering an increased ergonomic benefit over time.
    When choosing which type of SRL to use, consider both the requirements of your work environment and the nature of the task that will be performed:
    • Cable SRL: Offering superior durability, making cable SRLs ideal for work environments with exposure to sharp edges, high abrasion or harsh chemicals.
    • Web SRL: Best where workers may need more flexibility of movement and careful  handling of surrounding surfaces are priorities. Web SRLs are lighter and less likely to cause damage to delicate surfaces.

General Fall Protection Safety

  • What are the basics of fall protection, often called the ABCs or ABCDs?

    A: Anchorage  

    Anchorage is a secure point of attachment for fall protection equipment and is the literal foundation of fall protection. Anchorage systems vary by industry, job, type of installation and structure. They must be able to support the necessary loads and provide a suitable safety factor. 

    B: Body Wear  

    A full body harness is the most common type of body wear. Harnesses distribute fall forces over the upper thighs, pelvis, chest and shoulders, and provide a connection point on a worker for the personal fall arrest system. 

    C: Connector  

    A connector, such as a shock-absorbing lanyard or a self-retracting lifeline (SRL), securely fastens a worker's body wear (such as a harness) to the anchorage. 

    D: Descent/Rescue  

    These devices are used to raise or lower a fallen or injured worker to safety. Descent and rescue equipment can also be used to retrieve a worker from a confined space. This important component is often overlooked and requires appropriate advance planning. 

  • Can I tie off at my feet (ground level)?

    Tying off at ground level is not generally recommended and it is best practice to avoid it if at all possible. The difficulty is that it requires a greater degree of clearance between the walking-working surface and the next lower level. Additionally, objects or equipment in the fall path present a significant hazard. In many cases, the available clearance is not uniform across broad areas.

    There are various energy absorbing lanyards and self-retracting devices that are designed for these circumstances with clearance required between levels to safely arrest a fall between 13-18 feet. If we consider steel erection as a benchmark, typical clearances between levels range from 10-15 feet. That leaves little margin for error. When working within a pipe-rack, clearances can be even less.

    The best outcomes will always come from utilizing overhead anchorages. If there is no suitable overhead structure to tie into, horizontal lifelines or portable ballasted devices may be more suitable options. If those measures are not feasible, OSHA does allow free-falls up to twelve feet. However, this is provided that equivalent thresholds of protection are provided to those workers (maximum arrest forces not to exceed 1,800 lbs.) and provided that they do not strike a lower level or an object in the fall path.

  • What is the proper method for marking fall protection harnesses and lanyards?

    Permanent markers use solvents that allow the ink to dry very quickly. Once exposed to the air, the solvents in the permanent markers evaporate almost immediately, leaving just the ink. Neither the solvents nor the ink in permanent markers will cause any harm to nylon or polyester webbings. There may be some discoloration or bleeding between the webbing finish and the color of the marker ink but there will be no loss in breaking strength because of the marker. Safewaze recommends the use of a marker rated for use on items that can be cleaned if the equipment must be marked. 

    Private labeling and taping can also be attached if they do not interfere with the integrity of the webbing or hardware performance characteristics. Safewaze advises against any marking upon factory labels as this may interfere with the readability of the label. Additional grommets, rivets or holes shall not be installed to attach private labels. Do not attach labels, rings or other foreign materials to any of the full body safety harness D-rings or lanyard snaphooks. 

  • What is the life expectancy of fall protection equipment?

    Safewaze recommends inspection before each use and at least one time annually by a competent person other than the user. If the fall protection product passes inspection, it is safe to use. If a product has experienced a fall, it must be taken out of service for repair or replacement. Full body harnesses and energy absorbing lanyards exposed to a fall arrest need to be immediately removed from service and replaced. [Note: In 2012, ANSI/ASSE A10.32 was removed, so fall protection products do not normally incorporate a mandatory expiration date.]

  • How can I tell if a self-retracting lanyard (SRL) has been subject to a fall?

    Since 2012, it has been a requirement of the ANSI/ASSE Z359.14 standard that all self-retracting devices must include a visual indicator that the device has been subjected to a fall. In many cases, this is a simple roll-pin or shear-pin that is part of the snap hook assembly. In the event of a fall, the pin shears off, revealing an identifying collar or mark. 

    For devices featuring a webbing constituent line, the visual indicator may be a simple warning label or flag. It is stitched to the webbing near the nozzle hook at the bottom of the housing and concealed in a section that has been folded and stitched down. The force of the arrest breaks the stitch and reveals the concealed warning label. 

    Check manufacturer instructions for your preferred device for details on the visual indicator and how to determine the go/no-go criteria for your device. Any device that has been involved in a fall cannot be reused. 

  • Can you connect a snap hook into the eye of another hook?

    No. Both OSHA and ANSI standards indicate that two or more snap hooks should not be connected to each other. A snap hook needs to align with the applied load to which it is connected. If the snap hook is attached to the eye of another hook it may not be able to move or rotate when a load is applied, breaking the connection and causing a hazardous situation. 

  • What is the Hierarchy of Fall Protection?

    The Hierarchy of Fall Protection is the preferred order of control for fall hazards. As the hierarchy progresses, so does the level of risk.

    1. Hazard Elimination: Removal of any risk of fall hazard. Zero risk level.
    2. Passive Fall Protection: Placement of physical barriers like guardrails around unprotected edges and covers over open holes.
    3. Fall Restraint Systems: Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to limit a worker’s field of movement, preventing a fall.
    4. Fall Arrest Systems: Use of PPE to reduce the impact of a fall to within acceptable force and clearance margins and prevent striking a lower level.
    5. Administrative Controls: Implementation of workplace practices and procedures which alert a worker to all fall hazards. This is the least preferred method offering no means of physical protection. High risk level.

  • If I fall, how will I get rescued?

    OSHA 1926.502(d)(20) states, “The employer shall provide for prompt rescue of employees in the event of a fall or shall assure that employees are able to rescue themselves.” 

    While this standard addresses the hazard of being suspended by the fall arrest system after an arrested fall, prompt rescue is not defined in the standard. How a rescue occurs to prevent serious injury to the worker is up to the employer. An in-depth analysis of the worksite to consider all potential risk factors associated with rescue is recommended. A written plan should be formulated and distributed to any potentially affected personnel.  

    Simply relying on emergency services does not constitute an effective plan. This is especially true if high-angle rescue might be required or if there are other structural or environmental factors in place that could affect standard rescue procedures. 

  • At what height is fall protection required?

    OSHA requires that fall protection be provided for everyone working at and above elevations of:

    • 4’ in general industry workplaces
    • 5’ in shipyards
    • 6’ in the construction industry
    • 8’ in longshoring operations
    • 10’ on scaffolding
    • 15' in steel erection

    In addition, OSHA requires that fall protection be provided when working over dangerous equipment and machinery, regardless of the fall distance. Due to the variety of conditions that are specific for each individual jobsite, a Qualified or Competent Person should be consulted to ensure relevant standards and/or OSHA regulations are met.

  • Can more than one worker share a fall protection harness?

    Yes. OSHA requires employers to provide fall protection for each employee exposed to fall hazards. They do not, however, require each worker to have their own equipment. A harness with universal sizing has five areas of adjustment – chest strap, two torso adjusters and two leg buckles – to provide for different body shapes and sizes when different workers may share the same harness.

    The most important factors to consider when wearing a safety harness are the same whether it is one issued to a single worker or one that will be shared by multiple workers.

    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the person wearing it. While every worker should check their harness for fit before each use, sharing a harness may mean it will need to be fully readjusted every time. Tongue buckle leg connections are often preferred for easier adjustment on a shared harness. Employees should be trained on how to properly fit the harness they will need to wear for the job.
    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the work environment. A harness may be shared between workers but not necessarily between functions. What works for one application may not work in another and could even create a greater hazard. For instance, a padded shoulder may add comfort in construction but be too hot in a factory. Even more critical, a construction harness would not be safe to use in a welding or arc flash environment.
  • Can you mix different manufacturer brands in one fall protection system?

    Yes – provided [1] a competent person on-site has overseen the entire system to ensure compatibility, and [2] use of each component meets the manufacturer requirements for its individual use [3] The manufacturer’s instructions are read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).

    OSHA frames it this way, “Individual components in a fall arrest or positioning device system may be made by different manufacturers as long as they meet the compatibility requirements.” They go on to callout both the evaluation by a competent person and the importance of adhering to manufacturer guidelines.

    ANSI outlines product compatibility in Z359.6-2016, “All directly connected components of an active fall protection system shall be compatible, such that they perform as intended and cannot unintentionally disengage on their own during the use of the system or during a fall event.”

    Utilizing components designed to be used together as a system ensures component compatibility. However, it is not uncommon for companies to source products from more than one vendor based upon criteria such as availability, price or durability. Safewaze products, like those of other manufacturers, are tested in accordance with all relevant OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Our products may be used in conjunction with equipment from other manufacturers when that use is approved by the competent person on-site in accordance with stated instructions.

  • What do I need to know about the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    What is the Z359.14 standard?  This standard defines guidelines for the design, testing, labelling, inspection and performance of self-retracting devices (SRDs) in fall protection.

    Why did it change?  ANSI requires each standard to be updated every five years. Due to the growing popularity of SRDs, the update is designed to increase safety with more demanding requirements and clearer product use instructions.

    When does it take effect?  The ANSI committee released the approved standard in July 2021 with an effective date of August 1, 2023.</p.

    Who does it affect?  This change directly affects anyone producing SRDs after August 1, 2023. We recommend those selling, purchasing and using SRDs remain up to date on ANSI standards.

    What about my current units? Units marked to the previous Z359.14-2014 standard – and with a manufacturing date prior to August 2023 – will not need to be discarded. These units remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines.

    What changes were made in the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    • Class A and B changing to significantly revised class 1 and 2
    • New strength testing requirements
    • Redefined SRD types
    • New labeling requirements to assist users

    Class 1 & Class 2


  • Does Safewaze provide manuals in Spanish (bilingual)?
    We are actively working on translating our manuals in Spanish. Currently the following products have a bilingual manual with both English and Spanish instructions:
    Cable Anchor, Cable Extender and Cable Sling Anchor
    018-4000 Chain Anchor 
    018-4001 Beam Trolley Anchor
    019-4005 Temp/Reusable Froglink Anchor
    019-4006 Perm Froglink Anchor
    019-4007 Girder Grip Anchor 
    019-4009 Vertical Beam Anchor
    019-4010 360° Temp Roof Anchor 
    FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor
    FS870, FS870N, FS870S Reusable Roof Anchors
    021-4068, 021-4069, 021-4075 Sliding Beam Anchors
    021-4055 Premier Sliding Beam Anchor
    022-4085 Removable Concrete Anchor
    FS880, FS880-1, FS880-6, FS880-8, FS880-10, 70180, 70200, 70280, 70300, 70380 Concrete Anchor Straps
    Cross Arm Strap/Cable Choker
    Cross Arm Straps & Cable Chokers
    Ratchet Anchor Strap
    5K Swivel D-ring Anchor
    Corrugated Roof Anchors
    Reach Anchor
    Scaffold Davit Anchor
    PRO+ Slate
    Arc Flash
    PRO Lanyards
    LE Lanyard
    023-2135 26"-48" Adjustable Web Restraint Assembly
    Latitude Pro
    Latitude Edge Cable
    Latitude Edge Web
    Latitude Pro Arc Flash
    Northstar Classic
    Northstar Classic LE
    Vertical Lifeline
    2-Person Temp Kermantle HLL
    2-Person Temp Cable HLL
    4-Person Temp Double Braid Rope HLL 
    42" I-Beam Stanchion HLL 
    Ladder Systems
    Adjustable SRL Ladder Anchor
    Ladder System
    22' Rescue Ladder
    022-6047 Quick-Adjust Trauma Relief
    024-6075 Arc Flash Quick-Adjust Trauma Relief
    022-6069 Rescue Assist Sling 
    023-6074 Rescue Pick-off Strap
    Rescue & Descent Systems
    Confined Space
    019-11000 Tripod
    019-11001 Tripod 65' Material Winch
    019-11002 Tripod 65' 3-Way 
    019-11003 Tripod 65' Material Winch and 3-Way
    019-11004 Tripod 65' Personnel Winch and 3-Way 
  • Can I have both legs of a dual leg lanyard or dual SRL-P connected at the same time?
    While performing work, only one leg of the lanyard or SRL-P should be connected to an anchor point, with the unused leg secured to the harness’s lanyard keeper. To maintain 100% tie-off, always have one leg connected to an anchor. When moving between anchor points, use both legs by connecting the free leg to the next anchor point then disconnect the other leg from the original anchor and placing into lanyard keeper, ensuring 100% tie-off at all times.
  • When should I use fall restraint rather than fall arrest in a MEWP (Mobile Elevated Working Platform)?
    Fall protection equipment includes both fall restraint and fall arrest; these are essential systems for protecting workers on elevated surfaces. Fall restraint is proactive: these systems work as fall prevention to secure the worker within the MEWP. Movement is limited so a worker cannot fall from the platform. Fall arrest is reactive: these systems arrest a worker after a fall, preventing impact with the ground. Fall arrest systems require accurate fall clearance calculations prior to use. Both fall restraint and fall arrest require the worker to be connected to an authorized anchor point. (Definitions: Difference between fall protection, fall arrest and fall restraint.) OSHA requires fall restraint in a MEWP in two instances:
    1. During the travel of any MEWP vehicle where the risk of falls may be higher
    2. When the platform height is below the necessary fall clearance for fall arrest
    Additionally, fall restraint may be used in place of fall arrest any time work is being performed from a MEWP and removes the need to allow for fall clearance.

Fall Protection Harness

  • What are the minimum and maximum weights for my harness?

    Based on extensive testing, Safewaze harnesses are certified at a user weight rating of 85-420 lbs. including clothing and equipment in accordance with OSHA and ANSI guidelines.

    OSHA regulation and ANSI standard both specify a standard maximum combined weight of user, clothing, tools and equipment of 310 lbs. OSHA allows an exception for a higher capacity provided that equivalent protection is provided and validated by the manufacturer. The ANSI Z359 Fall Protection code requires individual end-user weight ratings within 130 lbs. to 310 lbs. The primary concern around increasing weight capacity involves potential health risks from complications of orthostatic intolerance (suspension trauma) that could be experienced by a worker weighing more than 310 lbs.

    Many full body harnesses manufactured in the United Sates can support additional weight safely. The determining factor in a successful fall arrest for a user in such a situation is the capability of the energy absorbing self-retracting lanyard. When a deceleration device limits maximum arrest forces to less than 1800 lbs. and prevents the user from hitting the next lower lever or an object in the fall path, the harness functions properly in the event of a fall.

    Note that Safewaze products are labelled in accordance with ANSI 130-310 lbs. and OSHA maximum weight capacity of 420 lbs. We have conclusively determined that our equipment maintains an average arrest force within or below the required standards and have verified user weights from 85- 420 lbs. For any further questions on user weights on a personal fall arrest system rated outside the ANSI 130-310 lbs. range, please consult a Safewaze fall protection specialist.

  • What’s the difference between a tongue buckle and a pass-through closure?

    A tongue buckle used with grommets and a pass-through closure are the most common forms of fasteners currently found on full body harnesses. 

    Tongue buckle fasteners incorporate a traditional belt-buckle style closure. They have a prong that fits into a metal grommet which has been inserted into the fabric of the harness. This is a reliable method of closure with the condition of being binary in terms of sizing. There is no room for adjustment between the grommets. With this type of fastener, harness sizing adjustment is typically easier, especially when wearing gloves. 

    Pass-through, or parachute buckles, feature a male/female closure system. The male end passes through the opening in the female buckle creating closure between the two ends. Placement of the web through the buckle typically provides for a higher degree of custom adjustment than tongue buckle fasteners with grommets. Also, use of these buckles tends to reduce the overall weight of the harness depending upon the materials. Pass-through buckles are standard chest strap fasteners on the majority of harnesses. 

    The term “parachute buckle” is sometimes used to describe more contemporary fasteners utilizing a male and female attachment where the female component incorporates a mechanical latching system to hold the male component in place. 

  • Can more than one worker share a fall protection harness?

    Yes. OSHA requires employers to provide fall protection for each employee exposed to fall hazards. They do not, however, require each worker to have their own equipment. A harness with universal sizing has five areas of adjustment – chest strap, two torso adjusters and two leg buckles – to provide for different body shapes and sizes when different workers may share the same harness.

    The most important factors to consider when wearing a safety harness are the same whether it is one issued to a single worker or one that will be shared by multiple workers.

    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the person wearing it. While every worker should check their harness for fit before each use, sharing a harness may mean it will need to be fully readjusted every time. Tongue buckle leg connections are often preferred for easier adjustment on a shared harness. Employees should be trained on how to properly fit the harness they will need to wear for the job.
    • The harness must always be a proper fit for the work environment. A harness may be shared between workers but not necessarily between functions. What works for one application may not work in another and could even create a greater hazard. For instance, a padded shoulder may add comfort in construction but be too hot in a factory. Even more critical, a construction harness would not be safe to use in a welding or arc flash environment.

Fall Protection Equipment — HLLs

  • Can a horizontal lifeline be used with the Safewaze SW900 Parapet Wall Anchor?

    Yes. The SW900 is suitable for use with a horizontal lifeline as long as the lifeline runs perpendicular to the parapet wall on which the SW900 is installed.  Under no circumstance can a horizontal lifeline be used with a SW900 in a configuration where the lifeline runs parallel with the parapet wall.

  • Can a cross arm strap be used as an anchor point for a horizontal lifeline (HLL)?

    Yes. Safewaze cross arm straps may be used as the anchorage connector component of a compatible HLL system. Suitability must be determined on-site by a competent person. Any length of cross arm strap may be used with an HLL provided the competent person assesses the complete system and determines the strap length will not result in a free fall which exceeds the limits permitted by the system. 

  • What is the proper method for use of Safewaze vertical beam anchors with a horizontal lifeline?

    Safewaze offers a Vertical/Stationary Beam Anchor: 019-4009. Proper installation method as well as HLL attachment, capacities and more, can be found in the anchor's individual instruction manual.

  • Can a temporary fixed beam anchor be used as an intermediate anchor point for the SafeLink horizontal lifeline system?

    Yes. Use of a temporary fixed beam anchor as an intermediate attachment point for inverted SafeLink installation is an acceptable installation method. 

  • What are horizontal and vertical lifelines?

    Horizontal lifelines, known as HLLs, and vertical lifelines, known as VLLs, are important tools used as part of a complete fall protection system, providing anchorage for use with the appropriate harness and connector. Both types of lifelines utilize high-strength cable or rope which acts as the secure attachment point for fall arrest or fall restraint. They can be permanent or temporary. As the names imply, an HLL runs side to side (horizontally) while a VLL runs up and down (vertically) offering the worker additional range and mobility.

    An HLL must be securely anchored at both ends and may also include intermediate anchor points. Designed for use by one or more workers, HLLs may be anchored overhead or at foot level. Connection is made with a device (Personal SRLs – SRL-Ps) that attaches the user to the HLL, or via an SRL that is anchored to the HLL and extended to connect to the user’s dorsal (back) D-ring. Connection to the HLL should be facilitated using an ANSI Z359.12-2019 compliant steel O-ring. User(s) should avoid direct connection to the HLL with a snap hook or carabiner as this may result in premature wear of lifeline components. All HLLs must comply with OSHA regulation 1926.502 and be, “designed, installed, and used under the supervision of a qualified person as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two.” These systems can provide increased freedom of movement while working on rooftops and in construction as well as providing fall protection solutions for window-washing, confined space operations and scaffolding.

    A VLL must be securely attached at the top and may or a not be attached at the bottom depending on application. They can be designed for use by one or multiple workers who use a positioning device, such as a rope grab, attached at the sternal (front) D-ring to control the worker’s movement up and down. The bottom end of the lifeline must be designed to ensure the rope grab does not slip off the lifeline and all VLLs must meet the OSHA guideline for minimum breaking strength of 5,000 lbs. These lifelines provide security in fall arrest and fall restraint for ladder and tower climbing as well as in roofing and general construction.

Fall Protection Equipment — Hooks

  • What is a Tie-Back Connector?

    A tie-back connector is a versatile piece of fall protection equipment that serves two functions:

    1. Standard Connector: Functions as a self-retracting lifeline (SRL) or energy absorbing lanyard.
    2. Anchorage Connector: Acts as an anchorage connector by wrapping around a rated structure (I-beams or columns) and attaching back to itself.

    Tie-back connectors completely remove the need for a separate anchorage device, streamlining the equipment workers require on the job. Whether looping securely around an I-beam, wrapping around a concrete column or attaching to other suitable structures, these connectors are extremely versatile and eliminate the need for a separate anchor. Unlike standard lanyards, these connectors are specially designed with locking snap hooks capable of withstanding forces when tied back into their own webbing. Standard hooks, on the other hand, lack this capability, as the gate - the weakest point of the hook - can bend or fail under the stress of a fall.

    OSHA states:

    "Unless a snap hook is a locking type specifically designed for the purpose of tying back into a lanyard, it shall not be engaged directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope."

    This means only connectors specifically designed for tie-back use are safe and compliant.


    Under no circumstances should a user ever tie a connector back into itself unless that connector is specifically designed for that purpose.

  • What is a double-locking snaphook?

    ANSI Z359 defines a snaphook as “a connector comprised of a hook-shaped body with a normally closed gate or similar arrangement that may be opened to permit the hook to receive an object and, when released, automatically closes to retain the object.” 

    Snaphooks typically “snap” closed and generally come in two types:    

    1. Automatic-locking: These hooks have a self-closing and self-locking gate which remains closed and locked until intentionally unlocked and opened for connection or disconnection. Required by ANSI Z359.
    2. Non-locking: These hooks have a self-closing gate which remains closed but not locked until intentionally opened for connection or disconnection. Not permitted by ANSI Z359.

    A double-locking snaphook is an automatic-locking hook. The “double” refers to the two-step action required to unlock and open the gate. It also refers to the self-closing and self-locking operations that take place once the hook is released. 

  • What is a pelican hook?

    A pelican hook usually refers to a hook with a large gate opening, typically in the 60 mm (2-2 ¼ in.) range. These types of hooks are often referred to as “rebar” hooks due to their association with and common incorporation into rebar chain assemblies. These assemblies are used for work positioning when tying rebar.

  • Can you connect a snap hook into the eye of another hook?

    No. Both OSHA and ANSI standards indicate that two or more snap hooks should not be connected to each other. A snap hook needs to align with the applied load to which it is connected. If the snap hook is attached to the eye of another hook it may not be able to move or rotate when a load is applied, breaking the connection and causing a hazardous situation. 

Fall Protection Equipment — Lanyards

  • What is a Tie-Back Connector?

    A tie-back connector is a versatile piece of fall protection equipment that serves two functions:

    1. Standard Connector: Functions as a self-retracting lifeline (SRL) or energy absorbing lanyard.
    2. Anchorage Connector: Acts as an anchorage connector by wrapping around a rated structure (I-beams or columns) and attaching back to itself.

    Tie-back connectors completely remove the need for a separate anchorage device, streamlining the equipment workers require on the job. Whether looping securely around an I-beam, wrapping around a concrete column or attaching to other suitable structures, these connectors are extremely versatile and eliminate the need for a separate anchor. Unlike standard lanyards, these connectors are specially designed with locking snap hooks capable of withstanding forces when tied back into their own webbing. Standard hooks, on the other hand, lack this capability, as the gate - the weakest point of the hook - can bend or fail under the stress of a fall.

    OSHA states:

    "Unless a snap hook is a locking type specifically designed for the purpose of tying back into a lanyard, it shall not be engaged directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope."

    This means only connectors specifically designed for tie-back use are safe and compliant.


    Under no circumstances should a user ever tie a connector back into itself unless that connector is specifically designed for that purpose.

  • What is a Y or double-leg lanyard?

    A Y lanyard is an energy absorbing lanyard that consists of two separate energy absorbers and end point connectors with only one harness connecting element, which is typically a hook or a web loop. Y lanyards are sometimes called a 100% tie-off, double-leg or twin leg lanyard. 

    From a functional standpoint, Y lanyards work in the same way as a single-leg lanyard. In the event of a fall, they decelerate the user and absorb the energy generated by the fall. The incorporation of the second leg is designed to offer the user a way to work along distances where multiple anchor points are available and the distance exceeds the length of a single lanyard leg. In these cases, where the user must remain tied off 100% of the time, the user can attach to an anchor point with the first leg. This allows the user to traverse the distance allowed by the first lanyard, attach the second lanyard to the next suitable anchor point, detach the first lanyard and then proceed. 

    Multiple scenarios exist where Y lanyards can be used dependent upon the nature of the user’s movement within the workspace.  

  • What is the difference between a positioning lanyard and an energy or shock absorbing lanyard?

    A positioning lanyard is one component of a positioning device system. A positioning device system is used for fall restraint rather than fall arrest and consists of three parts: a belt or body harness, a lanyard and an anchor point. The positioning lanyard is the device which connects the harness to an anchor point and permits falls of 2 ft. or less. All positioning equipment must meet OSHA and ANSI standards. 

    An energy absorbing lanyard is used with a personal fall arrest system, which is different than a positioning device system. A fall arrest system’s goal is to lessen any forces on a worker’s body during a fall. ANSI standards allow for various ways of accomplishing this, such as the tearing of materials or breaking of stitches. These lanyards can be worn by the user or be part of a horizontal or vertical lifeline subsystem. 

    If potential for a fall exists, an energy absorbing lanyard is preferred over a positioning lanyard. Also note that if a worker is using a positioning device with a personal fall arrest system, they should utilize a harness that is designed to have attachment points for BOTH systems. 

  • Can the FS33310 positioning lanyard be used in fall restraint applications?

    Yes. The FS33310 positioning lanyard is typically used in positioning applications, it is also suitable for use in fall restraint applications. The user must always account for the fully deployed length of the lanyard and the structure to which the lanyard is attached must withstand loads of at least 1000 lbs. applied in the directions permitted by the system.   

    If used in a fall restraint application, this lanyard may only be used on surfaces where the slope does not exceed 4 in 12 (vertical to horizontal).

  • What is the best lanyard for the job?

    In a personal fall arrest system (PFAS), a lanyard connects your harness to an anchor point or to a horizontal or vertical lifeline, which acts as an intermediate connection to the anchor.

    While lanyards are typically 6' in length, shorter and longer options are available. Always select the shortest possible lanyard. Lanyards should be long enough to allow adequate job site work without creating undue free fall distance.

    Even a minimal fall can create tremendous force. For example, a 200 lb. worker falling 10 feet is subject to 8,000 lbs. of force in an abrupt dynamic drop. A properly selected and installed PFAS lanyard can drastically reduce the force to below 1,800 lbs., preventing serious injury.

    When selecting the best lanyard for the job, ask:

    • What is the fall clearance to the next level?
    • Where is the anchor point located, above or below the harness D-ring?
    • Will you plan for fall arrest or eliminate the hazard by using a positioning lanyard?
    • Will you be working near or over what ANSI defines as a leading edge?
    • What is the right material for your lanyard based on the environment?
    • What lanyard connectors do I need to properly tie off?


    • Webbing - The flexible and dependable choice for most applications.
    • Rope – For increased abrasion resistance and strength.
    • Cable – Ideal for high heat or leading edge environments.
    • Specialty – Coated webbing for protection against grease, oil, or other contaminants.
    • Aramid - Webbing for fire, welding, or arc flash conditions. 


    • Soft Loop – Chokes the lanyard harness attachment point.
    • Snap Hook – The most common option for small anchor points.
    • Carabiner – A twist lock gate alternative to hooks.
    • Scaffolding/Rebar Hook - Offers a larger gate opening for a variety of structural connections.
    • Tie-Back Hook – Specially built for applications where a standard anchor or connection is unavailable.
  • Can I have both legs of a dual leg lanyard or dual SRL-P connected at the same time?
    While performing work, only one leg of the lanyard or SRL-P should be connected to an anchor point, with the unused leg secured to the harness’s lanyard keeper. To maintain 100% tie-off, always have one leg connected to an anchor. When moving between anchor points, use both legs by connecting the free leg to the next anchor point then disconnect the other leg from the original anchor and placing into lanyard keeper, ensuring 100% tie-off at all times.

Fall Protection Equipment — SRLs

  • What is the difference between a self-retracting lanyard and a self-retracting lifeline?

    These two terms are interchangeable and both are acceptable. Self-retracting lanyard is the common term based on the types and classes of self-retracting devices that were further defined in the ANSI/ASSE Z359.14 standard in 2014.

  • Should a personal self-retracting lanyard (SRL) be worn on my back or should I connect to it like a full size SRL?

    This depends on the application. While it is rare to see personal SRLs mounted to any overhead anchorages of a larger traditional unit, a common exception is when these devices are mounted to order-picking lift trucks. Since the walking-working surface is so small and there is an integrated anchorage overhead, this is a practical solution in that situation. 

    Either way, always be sure to mount and/or wear these devices in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The manufacturer and any qualified persons at the worksite will always be the best resource for guidance on what is appropriate for your equipment.

  • What’s the difference between a personal self-retracting lanyard (SRL) and a full size SRL?

    The most noticeable difference is size or the working length. Most personal SRLs are offered in lengths of 6-12 feet. Anything longer can become difficult to manage. Since these devices are generally used interchangeably with energy absorbing lanyards, there is an expectation that they be small and reasonably lightweight. 

    Another difference is material. The constituent line in a personal SRL is typically webbing to lower the size and weight. Larger, full-size SRLs more frequently use wire rope. Wire rope is heavier and requires a wider drum diameter to be effectively wound. 

    Finally, most full size SRLs utilize an internal rotary brake to manage energy absorption. With size and weight constraints for personal devices, this is considered impractical. External tear-tape energy absorbers are generally used on smaller devices.

  • Why do some personal self-retracting lanyards (SRLs) have a separate shock absorber?

    Personal SRL devices most often incorporate a separate or external tear-tape energy absorber instead of an internal rotary brake because they are smaller and have restrictions on size and weight. Internal rotary brakes are heavy and complicate the use of personal SRL devices, especially when considering the need for a reserve line. 

    Safewaze external energy absorbers allow for easy use of personal SRL devices while maintaining high-capacity energy absorption.

  • How can I tell if a self-retracting lanyard (SRL) has been subject to a fall?

    Since 2012, it has been a requirement of the ANSI/ASSE Z359.14 standard that all self-retracting devices must include a visual indicator that the device has been subjected to a fall. In many cases, this is a simple roll-pin or shear-pin that is part of the snap hook assembly. In the event of a fall, the pin shears off, revealing an identifying collar or mark. 

    For devices featuring a webbing constituent line, the visual indicator may be a simple warning label or flag. It is stitched to the webbing near the nozzle hook at the bottom of the housing and concealed in a section that has been folded and stitched down. The force of the arrest breaks the stitch and reveals the concealed warning label. 

    Check manufacturer instructions for your preferred device for details on the visual indicator and how to determine the go/no-go criteria for your device. Any device that has been involved in a fall cannot be reused. 

  • How often do self-retracting lanyards (SRLs) need to be recertified by the factory?

    Recertification is dependent upon the manufacturer. Some manufacturers do not require recertification or periodic factory authorized service. Other manufacturers typically suggest a recertification every 1-2 years. The ANSI/ASSE Z359.14 standard published in 2012 includes a specific schedule as a normative part of the standard. In 2014, the schedule was revised to be optional due to complaints registered by a small number of manufacturers and end-users.

  • Can a self-retracting lanyard (SRL) be used in an aerial or elevated work platform?

    When work requires the use of an aerial or elevated work platform (such as a scissor lift or boom lift), the preferred connection method is with an adjustable, non-energy absorbing lanyard designed to prevent the user from going over a rail. 

    Safewaze SRL-P devices are authorized for personal use in scissor and boom lifts in accordance with all manufacturer instructions under OSHA regulation. The user must continually work from the main platform of the lift; climbing onto the safety rails or side of the work platform is prohibited.

    Note that if the worksite is operating under EM 385-1-1 guidelines, SRL devices are authorized for use in scissor lifts as long as the manufacturer specifies that they are suitable for such use. On such sites, SRL devices are not authorized for use with a boom lift.

  • What is a Tie-Back Connector?

    A tie-back connector is a versatile piece of fall protection equipment that serves two functions:

    1. Standard Connector: Functions as a self-retracting lifeline (SRL) or energy absorbing lanyard.
    2. Anchorage Connector: Acts as an anchorage connector by wrapping around a rated structure (I-beams or columns) and attaching back to itself.

    Tie-back connectors completely remove the need for a separate anchorage device, streamlining the equipment workers require on the job. Whether looping securely around an I-beam, wrapping around a concrete column or attaching to other suitable structures, these connectors are extremely versatile and eliminate the need for a separate anchor. Unlike standard lanyards, these connectors are specially designed with locking snap hooks capable of withstanding forces when tied back into their own webbing. Standard hooks, on the other hand, lack this capability, as the gate - the weakest point of the hook - can bend or fail under the stress of a fall.

    OSHA states:

    "Unless a snap hook is a locking type specifically designed for the purpose of tying back into a lanyard, it shall not be engaged directly to webbing, rope, or wire rope."

    This means only connectors specifically designed for tie-back use are safe and compliant.


    Under no circumstances should a user ever tie a connector back into itself unless that connector is specifically designed for that purpose.

  • What do I need to know about the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    What is the Z359.14 standard?  This standard defines guidelines for the design, testing, labelling, inspection and performance of self-retracting devices (SRDs) in fall protection.

    Why did it change?  ANSI requires each standard to be updated every five years. Due to the growing popularity of SRDs, the update is designed to increase safety with more demanding requirements and clearer product use instructions.

    When does it take effect?  The ANSI committee released the approved standard in July 2021 with an effective date of August 1, 2023.</p.

    Who does it affect?  This change directly affects anyone producing SRDs after August 1, 2023. We recommend those selling, purchasing and using SRDs remain up to date on ANSI standards.

    What about my current units? Units marked to the previous Z359.14-2014 standard – and with a manufacturing date prior to August 2023 – will not need to be discarded. These units remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines.

    What changes were made in the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    • Class A and B changing to significantly revised class 1 and 2
    • New strength testing requirements
    • Redefined SRD types
    • New labeling requirements to assist users

    Class 1 & Class 2


  • How do I access manuals for SRLs under the ANSI Z359.14-2014 standard?
    The new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard goes into effect as a rolling change. This means that SRLs under the 2014 standard, manufactured before August 2023 and marked to Class A and Class B, will remain in the field as long as they remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines. You can easily access manuals for these units by clicking on the appropriate product line below.

  • Can I have both legs of a dual leg lanyard or dual SRL-P connected at the same time?
    While performing work, only one leg of the lanyard or SRL-P should be connected to an anchor point, with the unused leg secured to the harness’s lanyard keeper. To maintain 100% tie-off, always have one leg connected to an anchor. When moving between anchor points, use both legs by connecting the free leg to the next anchor point then disconnect the other leg from the original anchor and placing into lanyard keeper, ensuring 100% tie-off at all times.
  • What is the Safewaze SRL service process?

    START WITH THE DISTRIBUTOR - Only the company who purchased the SRL from Safewaze can initiate the repair process.

    1. REPAIR REQUEST FORM: The distributor will complete the repair form and include a purchase order number for authorization.

    2. SHIPPING: The distributor will send the SRL and completed form to the Safewaze Repair Department.

    3. INSPECTION: Our Repair Department will inspect the SRL. An inspection fee will apply if user chooses not to make repairs.

    4. QUOTE: A repair quote will be sent to the contact person listed on the form.

    5. REPAIR & RETURN: Once Safewaze receives approval, our technicians will begin the authorized repair. The SRL will be shipped back to the distributor unless noted on the repair form.

    FINISH WITH CONFIDENCE - Your SRL is now ready to return to service! Certified service and repair from Safewaze provides complete confidence to put your workers back on the job with equipment they can trust.

    For further questions about the Safewaze SRL service process, contact customer service at 800-230-0319 or email
  • What is an SRL nuisance lockup?
    A nuisance lockup is the unintentional activation of the fall arrest system in a self-retracting lifeline (SRL). This can occur during normal activities such as walking or bending over where the speed of payout – how quickly the line is released from the housing – accidentally activates the fall arrest system.  A nuisance lockup can disrupt productivity and can unnecessarily restrict the movement of workers. Nuisance lockups not only reduce efficiency but can actually create hazards and increase risk. For instance, the sudden unexpected stop can cause a worker to lose balance and trip or stumble and drop a handheld object.

    The Lodestar SRL is designed to reduce nuisance lock-ups with enhanced walking-working speeds while still maintaining adequate arrest distances. Watch the Lodestar in action here compared to another model that locks up.
  • How do I choose between a cable and web SRL?
    As the name implies, the primary difference between a cable and a web SRL is the material used for the lifeline. When selecting an SRL, you should also keep in mind their intended use, durability and weight:
    • Material: Web SRLs use a flexible woven webbing material, similar to the material used in full body harnesses, while cable SRLs use steel or stainless-steel cable.
    • Intended Use: Cable SRLs are designed for harsh environments where the lifeline could be exposed to abrasion or harsh chemicals. Web SRLs are better suited for environments where the webbing may come into contact with surfaces that could be damaged by a cable. Note that a Class 2 SRL is required if the lifeline could contact a sharp edge – both web and cable Class 2 SRL options are available.
    • Durability: Cable SRLs with metal lifelines generally offer superior resistance to cuts, abrasions and harsh environmental conditions, making them more durable in rugged environments. Specialty environments, such as within welding and arc flash, call for specially rated materials and devices.
    • Weight: Web SRLs are usually lighter than their cable counterparts, allowing the worker to move around more easily as well as offering an increased ergonomic benefit over time.
    When choosing which type of SRL to use, consider both the requirements of your work environment and the nature of the task that will be performed:
    • Cable SRL: Offering superior durability, making cable SRLs ideal for work environments with exposure to sharp edges, high abrasion or harsh chemicals.
    • Web SRL: Best where workers may need more flexibility of movement and careful  handling of surrounding surfaces are priorities. Web SRLs are lighter and less likely to cause damage to delicate surfaces.

Industry Standards & Fall Protection Training

  • Can I tie off at my feet (ground level)?

    Tying off at ground level is not generally recommended and it is best practice to avoid it if at all possible. The difficulty is that it requires a greater degree of clearance between the walking-working surface and the next lower level. Additionally, objects or equipment in the fall path present a significant hazard. In many cases, the available clearance is not uniform across broad areas.

    There are various energy absorbing lanyards and self-retracting devices that are designed for these circumstances with clearance required between levels to safely arrest a fall between 13-18 feet. If we consider steel erection as a benchmark, typical clearances between levels range from 10-15 feet. That leaves little margin for error. When working within a pipe-rack, clearances can be even less.

    The best outcomes will always come from utilizing overhead anchorages. If there is no suitable overhead structure to tie into, horizontal lifelines or portable ballasted devices may be more suitable options. If those measures are not feasible, OSHA does allow free-falls up to twelve feet. However, this is provided that equivalent thresholds of protection are provided to those workers (maximum arrest forces not to exceed 1,800 lbs.) and provided that they do not strike a lower level or an object in the fall path.

  • What is the maximum free fall distance allowed by ANSI and OSHA standards?

    The ANSI Z359 Fall Protection Code allows for a 6-foot maximum free fall distance. OSHA allows the free fall distance to exceed 6 feet as long as: [1] the employer can demonstrate that the fall protection equipment in use is designed to allow a free fall greater than 6 feet; [2] the arresting forces are below 1800 lbs. for a full body harness system; and [3] there is suitable fall clearance. 

  • What is a "timely manner" for rescue according to ANSI and OSHA?

    The ANSI Z359.2-2007 standard recommends less than six minutes to contact an injured worker. OSHA requires medical aid to an injured worker within four to six minutes. 

    For all fall protection programs, both internal and external rescue services should be carefully evaluated in advance to determine which options are suitable for the specific worksite.

  • Which national safety standard is the best guide for using fall protection equipment properly?

    ANSI standard Z359.2 is usually considered the best. It details all employer responsibilities for providing fall protection to workers in general industry and construction and goes above-and-beyond the minimum requirements. OSHA, another leading guide, references all ANSI Z359 standards as requirements under OSHA’s General Duty Clause.  

  • What are the most common violations and penalties being cited for fall protection violations?

    OSHA reports that fall protection continues to be the most frequently violated safety guideline year after year. Additionally, the CDC confirms that falls are the leading cause of construction-worker fatalities. 

    There were over 6,000 violations of “Fall Protection – General Requirements 1926.501” in 2019, nearly double the amount of the next category. The top 10 violations also included Ladders (1926.1053) in 6th place and fall protection training requirements (1926.503) in 8th place. 

    OSHA reports that over $71.5 million dollars in citations were issued for the 2019 fiscal year. Below are the maximum penalty amounts with the annual adjustment for inflation being charged after Jan. 15, 2021. (See OSHA Memo, Jan 8, 2021). 

    • Serious, Other-Than-Serious, Posting Requirements: $13,653 per violation
    • Failure to Abate: $13,653 per day beyond the abatement date
    • Willful or Repeated: $136,532 per violation
  • What is the difference between OSHA and ANSI?

    OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and ANSI (American National Standards Institute) are both important organizations focused on keeping workers safe. While there is overlap between the two, their roles are different. 

    OSHA is a division of the U.S. Department of Labor charged with setting and enforcing safety regulations in the workplace. OSHA also provides training, outreach, education and assistance to workers in order to increase awareness and understanding of these regulations. OSHA regulations are governing law and therefore mandatory, meaning all workplaces and employers must comply. Those who do not comply can face serious consequences, including citations and hefty fines. OSHA regulations are established to ensure safe working conditions. Due to the lengthy process involved in making updates, they often fall short of delivering the most comprehensive and up-to-date safety information.  

    ANSI is a non-governmental body which exists to promote and facilitate voluntary consensus standards (guidelines that are universally accepted). Some of these standards are aimed at improving worker safety on the job, such as the Z359 series for fall protection. ANSI standards are recommended guidelines which better represent the thinking of industry experts. They are more in-depth than OSHA regulations, generally more current and require revision or reaffirmation every five years. A significant number of ANSI recommendations relate to fall arrest equipment and PPE, acting to fill the gaps in OSHA's fall protection regulations. There are cases where OSHA does not have published rules which address specific issues, so they often look to manufacturer guidelines. ANSI standards serve to fill those holes with best-practice, easy-to-understand guidelines. 

    ANSI standards are not mandatory and following them is not required by law. While manufacturers and employers can choose to ignore ANSI standards without facing any monetary penalty, doing so could place worker safety in jeopardy. 

    Even though OSHA and ANSI are separate organizations, the regulations and standards related to safety and health are of paramount consideration for both. In that sense, they are deeply intertwined and should be used together to enhance and strengthen the safety of workers. Worksites that truly put safety first are known to actively follow all relevant OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. 

  • If I fall, how will I get rescued?

    OSHA 1926.502(d)(20) states, “The employer shall provide for prompt rescue of employees in the event of a fall or shall assure that employees are able to rescue themselves.” 

    While this standard addresses the hazard of being suspended by the fall arrest system after an arrested fall, prompt rescue is not defined in the standard. How a rescue occurs to prevent serious injury to the worker is up to the employer. An in-depth analysis of the worksite to consider all potential risk factors associated with rescue is recommended. A written plan should be formulated and distributed to any potentially affected personnel.  

    Simply relying on emergency services does not constitute an effective plan. This is especially true if high-angle rescue might be required or if there are other structural or environmental factors in place that could affect standard rescue procedures. 

  • Can an overhead crane be used as a fall protection anchorage point?

    OSHA allows workers to tie off directly to a non-moving crane or below the hook attachment in construction applications. OSHA states that a personal fall arrest system is permitted to be anchored to the crane’s hook when the following requirement is met: a qualified person has determined that the setup and rated capacity of the crane including the hook, load line and rigging meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in 1926.1423(d)(15) as stated below: 

    (15) Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of supporting at least 5000 pounds (22.2 kN) per employee attached; or shall be designed, installed and used as follows:
    (i) as part of a complete personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two
    (ii) under the supervision of a qualified person

    OSHA does not define how many workers can be tied off to the approved hook at one time. Most assume that it is only one and many companies limit the maximum number of workers to two. The safety professional in charge must use his or her professional judgment to determine what is safest for that particular application. 

    For general industry, OSHA can allow direct attachment to a crane only if you are following OSHA’s hierarchy of controls. This means that the crane attachment point, crane controls and administrative controls must be engineered or validated by a qualified person. Contact your local OSHA office for proper clarifications. 

    For fall protection coverage in linear work areas, a qualified engineer can add an enclosed track anchorage system along crane bridges. In this situation, the administrative controls require the crane to be locked out and tagged out before using its structure as a fall arrest anchorage point. 

  • What is a leading edge hazard?

    A simple way to answer is to ask if there is any chance that the connecting device may come into contact with an edge. If the SRL or lanyard may hit the outer limit of a structure, such as the edge of a roof or side of a beam or deck, the answer is yes. OSHA 1926.751 states:

    Leading edge means the unprotected side and edge of a floor, roof, or formwork for a floor or other walking/working surface (such as deck) which changes location as additional floor, roof, decking or formwork sections are placed, formed or constructed.


    • Worker may be tied off below D-ring or at foot level
    • Often a sharp or abrasive unfinished part of working surface
    • Edge changes as the work continues or progresses


    • Rough edges may cut or fray device cable or webbing
    • Extreme force when connection hits edge can damage device
    • Worker subject to longer falls before fall arrest system activates
    • Worker subject to greater arrest forces due to isolated cable or webbing over the edge
    • Increased swing fall potential for fallen worker


    • PPE designed, tested and rated specifically for leading edge
    • OSHA requires specialized LE fall protection equipment for any work within 6’ of leading edge

    Bottom Line: To ensure worker safety, use only fall protection equipment specifically labeled for leading edge in a leading edge situation.

  • At what height is fall protection required?

    OSHA requires that fall protection be provided for everyone working at and above elevations of:

    • 4’ in general industry workplaces
    • 5’ in shipyards
    • 6’ in the construction industry
    • 8’ in longshoring operations
    • 10’ on scaffolding
    • 15' in steel erection

    In addition, OSHA requires that fall protection be provided when working over dangerous equipment and machinery, regardless of the fall distance. Due to the variety of conditions that are specific for each individual jobsite, a Qualified or Competent Person should be consulted to ensure relevant standards and/or OSHA regulations are met.

  • What do I need to know about the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    What is the Z359.14 standard?  This standard defines guidelines for the design, testing, labelling, inspection and performance of self-retracting devices (SRDs) in fall protection.

    Why did it change?  ANSI requires each standard to be updated every five years. Due to the growing popularity of SRDs, the update is designed to increase safety with more demanding requirements and clearer product use instructions.

    When does it take effect?  The ANSI committee released the approved standard in July 2021 with an effective date of August 1, 2023.</p.

    Who does it affect?  This change directly affects anyone producing SRDs after August 1, 2023. We recommend those selling, purchasing and using SRDs remain up to date on ANSI standards.

    What about my current units? Units marked to the previous Z359.14-2014 standard – and with a manufacturing date prior to August 2023 – will not need to be discarded. These units remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines.

    What changes were made in the new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard?

    • Class A and B changing to significantly revised class 1 and 2
    • New strength testing requirements
    • Redefined SRD types
    • New labeling requirements to assist users

    Class 1 & Class 2


  • How do I access manuals for SRLs under the ANSI Z359.14-2014 standard?
    The new ANSI Z359.14-2021 standard goes into effect as a rolling change. This means that SRLs under the 2014 standard, manufactured before August 2023 and marked to Class A and Class B, will remain in the field as long as they remain safe to use in accordance with manufacturer specifications and industry guidelines. You can easily access manuals for these units by clicking on the appropriate product line below.

Fall Arrest System Technical Bulletins

  • Personnel Winch Additional Operation Instructions
    Related Products: 019-11007, 019-11008 Related Standards: ANSI Z359.4-2013, Z117.1-2016, OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, 1926.21 The handle of the Personnel Winch is removable and its location determines the function of the unit. In order to change the unit’s function, the handle must be removed from the primary crank to the freewheel release or vice versa. The user must read and follow the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines when operating the Personnel Winch:
    • The primary crank controls the raising and lowering of the lifeline (1). To lower the lifeline, turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction. To raise the lifeline, turn the handle in a clockwise direction.
    • The freewheel release engages the unit’s freewheel mode (2). To engage freewheel mode, turn the handle counterclockwise 30°. Do not force the handle or over turn when met with resistance. The spring loaded handle will move back into its resting place if the user lets go due to its springloaded feature.
    • A Competent Person has determined the installation location is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, ANSI and OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.
    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319. Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information. Download Bulletin
  • Use of the Competitor Universal Mounting Bracket on Safewaze Tripods

    Related Products: 024-11047

    The Safewaze Competitor Universal Mounting Bracket is designed for adaptability. The bracket can accommodate the connection of many competitor devices to our tripods. An additional device bracket adapter is required when installing a competitor device to the 024-11047. If installing a competitor device, please refer to the provided chart (pp. 2-4) for additional information on the necessary bracket adapter needed for installation.

    Additionally, the bracket easily attaches to both our 7’ Adjustable Tripod and 10’ Tech Tripod. Once attached, all Safewaze devices (3-Way Systems, Personnel Winches, and Material Winches) can fit on the bracket to secure them to the tripod legs. The bracket can also be used to attach Xtirpa’s confined space devices to Safewaze tripods. Xtirpa is a member of our family of trusted brands and is a global supplier of confined space fall arrest, rescue, and retrieval equipment.

    Regardless of which device is used with the bracket, a Competent Person must determine the overall system is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.

    The manufacturer’s instructions should always be read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).

    For any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Download the Tech Bulletin to view Bracket Adapters Required for Installation of Devices with the Safewaze Competitor Universal Mounting Bracket (024-11047):

    Download Tech Bulletin
  • Scaffold Davit Anchor Captive Eye Use Update

    Related Products: 023-4104, 024-4119, 024-4120

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.18-2017 Type A & OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, 1910.66

    The Safewaze Scaffold Davit Anchor is designed to be used as part of a Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). Current manuals and labels in the field may state the following warning: “Do not install fall protection to the Captive Eye located in the middle of the Scaffold Davit Arm.”

    However, recent testing has determined that both Captive Eyes located on the Scaffold Davit Anchor are suitable anchor points for a PFAS. Please disregard all labels and manuals with the aforementioned warning. The product manual has been updated and a running change is being made to all future orders.

    Only one Captive Eye should be used at a time. DO NOT connect fall protection to both Captive Eyes at the same time. Regardless of which Captive Eye is used, a Competent Person must determine the overall system is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.

    The manufacturer’s instructions should always be read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Download Tech Bulletin
  • Guidelines to Follow for Reach Anchor Use

    Related Products: 024-4109, 022-4086, 023-4107, 024-4110, 024-4111

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.18-2017 Type A & OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, 1910.66

    The Safewaze Reach Anchor is a first-man-up anchor solution designed to be used as part of a Personal Fall Arrest System. The product is for overhead, stationary applications only. Once fully and correctly installed, the Reach Anchor shall remain in place during use. The anchor must be fully uninstalled and reinstalled to move its installation location. Do not reposition the Reach Anchor by dragging its extension arms along the I-beam, pipe, and/or other pre-established anchor points.

    Safewaze offers many mobile anchor points that can be repositioned during work. Two options are the Beam Trolley Anchor (018-4001) and the Beam Walker Easy Slider (021-4068). These anchors are designed to trail the user’s movements in overhead or foot level tie-off applications.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

      Download Tech Bulletin
  • Rivet Adapter Instructions

    Related Products: Belmont Hatch Systems 023-12154, 023-12155, 023-12156, 023-12157, 023-12158, 023-12159, 023-12160, 023-12161, 023-12162

    The purchase of a Safewaze Belmont Safety Hatch System includes a rivet adapter and four rivets. The rivet adapter is used in conjunction with a drill (not provided) during the installation process. Refer to the manual provided with the product, or available online, for detailed installation information.

    The user must utilize a drill with a minimum torque strength of 15 Nm when using the provided rivet adapter. The user shall follow the Safewaze product manual and the following instructions to properly use the rivet adapter:

    1. Attach the rivet adapter to a drill by inserting the shank of the rivet adapter into the drill’s chuck Tighten securely.
    2. Hold on to the rivet adapter and place the drill in its reverse gear. Slowly start the drill until a “clicking” sound is heard. The rivet adapter is now ready for use.
    3. Insert a rivet mandrel into the rivet adapter’s nose piece.
    4. Hold on to the rivet adapter and place the drill in its forward gear.
    5. Insert the rivet head into one of the aligned pre-drilled holes of the Lifting Tube and Drive Unit (see manual).
    6. Slowly pull the trigger of the drill. The rivet adapter will pull the rivet head through the rivet mandrel, clamping the Lifting Tube and Drive Unit together.
    7. Put the drill into its reverse gear until the remaining portion of the rivet mandrel is ejected from the rivet adapter.
    8. Repeat steps 3-7 for the additional three rivets.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Download Tech Bulletin
  • Northstar Classic Leading Edge SRL Hooks Update

    Related Products: Northstar Classic Leading Edge Self-Retracting Lifelines

    Inspection Notice:

    Safewaze has identified a potential safety concern regarding the connection point hook on select Northstar Classic Leading Edge Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRLs). The purpose of this Product Advisory is to notify equipment owners/users of this potential issue, how to properly inspect the product, and how to resolve the matter.

    The hook on these SRLs was implemented in January 2020. SRLs produced with this hook between January 2020 to present-day may be affected. There have been no injuries or accidents associated with this issue. The potential safety issue comes from possible misuse of the product, failure to properly maintain the product, and/ or failure to inspect the product. There is no safety concern if the product is strictly used within the confines of the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Affected Products:




    Issue Notification and Inspection Procedure:

    With normal use of a Leading Edge or Class 2 SRL, the connection point hook of an SRL is located at the cable end of the SRL and is attached to the Dorsal D-ring of the user’s harness. In this location, the hook is unlikely to experience excessive wear and tear or damage. However, there are exceptions to this, as well as situations where an SRL anchored at foot level retracts in a “freewheel mode,” which can subject the connection point hook to excessive abrasion. This scenario can lead to possible damage over time. Inspecting the components of the SRL prior to every single use is essential. Detailed inspection procedures for SRL components can be found in the product’s manual.

    How to Inspect the Connection Point Hook:

    1. Securely hold the connection point hook in your hand.
    2. Locate the pin that holds the swivel point to the base of the hook.
    3. Inspect the pin for excessive damage. Verify the pin is not excessively damaged, loose, or missing. If missing, immediately remove the hook from service. A loose or missing pin could lead to unintentional disengagement, serious injury, or death.

    Please review this Product Advisory immediately and contact the Safewaze Customer Service Team for a listing of the affected products sold to you. If you have followed the steps above and detected this issue, please return the product to Safewaze for a complete repair, or replacement, if needed.


    Please immediately forward this Product Advisory to any customers who have purchased affected products from you. Please provide any assistance requested by your customers to complete the process.

    If you have any additional questions regarding the information in this advisory, or require further information regarding this matter, contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and operation information.

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  • Discontinuation of Dorsal Link on Safewaze Harnesses
    Related Products: Harnesses, Dorsal Link, Integrated SRL Channel
    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.11-2021 and OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140
    The Dorsal Link found on certain Safewaze harness models has been discontinued. These harnesses are still safe to use as long as the harness passes all safety inspection criteria outlined in the product’s manual. The discontinuation of the Dorsal Link was not due to any technical issues or concerns with the product.

    Safewaze now offers a better designed option with the Integrated SRL Channel. This design allows
    for easier installation of SRL-P brackets to the harness. The Integrated SRL Channel serves the same purpose as the discontinued Dorsal Link.

    Regardless of the harness design used, a Competent Person must determine the overall system
    is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations. The manufacturer’s instructions should always be read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).
    For any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and
    additional installation information.
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  • Use of Various Fasteners with Safewaze Concrete Anchors in Certified Engineered System

    Related Products: Safewaze Concrete Anchors

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.18-2017/OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, and 1910.66

    Safewaze equipment is designed for, and tested with, associated Safewaze components or systems. However, screw and wedge-style fasteners manufactured by other companies can be compatible with Safewaze Concrete Anchors. The use of alternative fasteners is permissible with Safewaze Concrete Anchors in the case of certified engineered systems, provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines:

    1. The manufacturer’s instructions and specifications of the chosen alternative fastener are read, understood, and followed.
    2. The alternative fastener is of the same diameter and grade.
    3. The required minimum embedment depth (according to the alternative fastener’s specifications) can be achieved with the dimensions of the Safewaze anchor to meet the strength requirement of the anchor (according to the anchor’s specifications).
    4. The alternative fastener is intended for concrete installation.
    5. A Competent Person has determined the alternative fastener is capable of supporting intended loads on the anchor assembly.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

      Download Bulletin
  • SW-9012 Bracket Update

    Related Products: SW-9012

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.12

    An update to the SW-9012 Bracket may change its installation instructions depending on which version the user receives. Refer to the product manual for the installation instructions of the original bracket.

    The user must read and follow the following installation instructions when installing the updated SW- 9012 bracket to a harness:

    1. Hold the bracket with the knob facing the user and the U-shaped portion in a downward orientation.
    2. Pull the knob outward and turn it in a clockwise direction to release the bracket pin. When the bracket pin is released, slide the bracket open.
    3. With the bracket open, install 1 or 2 SRL-Ps onto the bracket. Swivel(s) should be hanging on the U-shaped portion of the bracket.
    4. Slide the bracket pin through the webbing loops at the dorsal D-ring of the harness, or through the SRL channel if the harness is equipped with one, until the bracket pin locks back into place. Ensure the red indicator is not visible. If visible, the bracket is not fully secured.
    5. Check the locking function of the bracket by attempting to slide the bracket open WITHOUT pulling and turning the knob. Bracket pin should not move and the bracket is now locked into place.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

        Download Bulletin
  • Third-Party Testing of Safewaze Fall Protection Equipment
    Related Products: Safewaze Products Related Standards: N/A

    Customers who rely on Safewaze products for protection while working at height can be confident that any product bearing the Safewaze logo has undergone comprehensive testing and either meets, or exceeds, the specified requirements. Safewaze products are meticulously designed, engineered, and tested to fulfill the functions of fall protection equipment, ensuring optimal performance and life-saving capabilities.

    Safewaze collaborates with qualified, regulated laboratory facilities when undergoing testing of samples on products. ANSI standards for qualification and verification testing are met at certified third-party testing laboratories that are fully accredited to ISO 17025. Other trusted, capable laboratories are utilized when a product must be aligned with specific OSHA, ASTM, NFPA, etc. regulations. Throughout these test procedures and outcomes, our in-house development, engineering, and testing teams maintain rigorous oversight.

    Safewaze is currently working on the construction and certification of an onsite testing and training laboratory. This state-of-the-art facility will be ISO 17025 certified, thus meeting ANSI specifications and standards. While the completion of the laboratory is underway, Safewaze relies on the previously mentioned independent third-party entities to conduct required testing.

    Always refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and installation information.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

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  • Use of Self-Retracting Lifelines in Mobile Elevated Work Platforms

    Related Products: Safewaze SRLs/SRL-Ps, 021-2064/2065/2066, 023-2135

    Related Standards: OSHA 1910.66 & 1910.140, EM 385-1-1

    The use of a Safewaze Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL/SRL-P) for fall protection on a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP) is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines/restrictions:

    • The user must be secured to an engineered anchor point designed into the MEWP at all times. SRL usage is safe when a MEWP is stationary. When in motion, the user must utilize a restraint personal fall arrest system connected to the side positioning D-ring(s) of a full body harness. Use of a SRL while the MEWP is in motion will not ensure the user is properly restrained and could result in the user being ejected from the platform.
    • Class-1 SRLs may be used where there are no sharp edges. Class-2 leading edge SRLs must be used if there is an opportunity for the line constituent to encounter a sharp edge.
    • The MEWP must have a guardrail system with a latching gate around its perimeter. The user must continuously work from the main platform of the lift and not attempt to climb onto the safety rails or side of the work platform.
    • It is mandatory that if a SRL is equipped with a personal energy absorber (PEA), the PEA is mounted to the dorsal D-ring of the user’s harness.
    • Fall clearance has been calculated based on the SRL/lanyard used and a Competent Person has determined the MEWP’s anchor is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.
    • The MEWP manufacturer’s manual is consulted for safety precautions within the use of the specific lift.
    • SRLs are not allowed for use with Boom Supported Platforms/Boom Lifts when operating under the guidelines pursuant to EM 385-1-1.

    The following Safewaze restraint/positioning products are recommended for use on MEWPs in motion:

    1. 021-2064/021-2065/021-2066: 6.5’ Rope Positioning Lanyard

    Connect the carabiner on the wear sleeve end to the MEWP anchor. Connect the carabiner attached to the rope adjuster to a side positioning D-ring of a full body harness. Adjust for tension as needed.

    1. 023-2135: 26’’-48’’ Adjustable Web Restraint Assembly

    Connect the middle snap hook of the lanyard to the MEWP anchor. Connect the two snap hooks of the Y-legs to the side positioning D-rings of a full body harness.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and installation information.

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  • SRL Swivel Roof Anchor Use on Concrete

    Related Products: 022-4084

    Safewaze SRL Swivel Roof Anchors are designed to be used as part of a Personal Fall Arrest System on Z-purlin, metal decking, and wood roofs. When installed correctly, the SRL Swivel Roof Anchor has a Minimum Breaking Strength of 5,000 lbs. (22.25 kN).

    Through recent substrate testing, it has been determined that Safewaze SRL Swivel Roof Anchors can also be installed on flat concrete surfaces and utilized as described in the product manual. The installation and use of the SRL Swivel Roof Anchor on concrete is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines:

    1. A Competent Person has determined the concrete structural member is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.

    2. The concrete must be uncracked, 3000 psi or higher, and a minimum of 6’’ thick.

    3. The anchor is installed at least 8’’ away from any edge.

    4. Use (8) 1/4’’ x 13/4’’ hex head Tapcons fasteners for installation (can have a maximum screw length up to 3’’). These fasteners (Image 1) are available in the open market and are not supplied with the product. Pre-drilled holes with 3/16’’ drill bit are required. See Figure 1 for correct installation placement.

    5. The anchor must be installed and used in a horizontal orientation only.

    022-4084 concrete  

    If you have any additional questions regarding the information in this Technical Document, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and other installation information.

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  • Concrete Anchor Strap Use on Alternative Structural Members

    Related Products: FS880, FS880-1, FS880-6/-8/-10, 70180, 70200, 70280, 70300, 70380

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.18-2017 Type A, OSHA 1926.502

    Date: 09-06-2024

    Safewaze Concrete Anchor Straps are designed to be used as part of a Personal Fall Arrest System in concrete structural member applications. The Concrete Anchor Strap is typically installed on suitable rebar cage and then embedded in poured concrete. When installed correctly, the Concrete Anchor Strap has a Minimum Breaking Strength of 5,000 lbs. (22.25 kN).

    Though installation in concrete is the intended use, Safewaze Concrete Anchor Straps can also be used as temporary anchors on alternative structural members, such as wood framework, steel I-beams, or pipe racking. For instance, the Concrete Anchor Strap could be installed like a Cross Arm Strap on the aforementioned alternative structural members. However, use of this product in a manner in which it is not designed can lead to excessive abrasion, wear, and possible product failure. For this reason, this product must be inspected before each use. The use of a Concrete Anchor Strap on an alternative structural member is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines:

    1. A Competent Person has determined the alternative structural member is capable of withstanding anticipated fall loads and meets, or exceeds, OSHA required anchorage strength regulations.

    2. The chosen alternative structural member does not allow for the Concrete Anchor Strap to slip off of it, or become unintentionally disengaged in any capacity.

    3. The chosen alternative structural member does not have any sharp or abrasive edges or surfaces.

    If you have any additional questions regarding the information in this Technical Document, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and installation information.

    FS880-10 Concrete Anchor Strap
    70200 Concrete Anchor Strap: Soft Loop
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  • Use of Alternative Lag Bolt Lengths with the FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor

    Related Products: FS-EX310-1

    Safewaze provides fasteners with the FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor. The anchor comes with (3) 5/16 in. x 3’ in. stainless steel hex lag screws. The use of alternative lag bolt lengths with the FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and the following guidelines:

    1. The chosen lag bolts are of the same diameter and grade (Grade 5 or higher).

    2. The installation holes are pre-drilled according to the product manual instructions.

    3. The chosen lag bolts are between 3 inches and 4* inches in length.
    *Note: If lag bolts are longer than 4 inches, the threads must be within 1 inch of the hex head.
    4. A Competent Person has determined the alternative fasteners are capable of supporting
    intended loads on the anchor.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact
    Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and
    additional installation information.
    Download Bulletin
  • Updated FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor Usage

    Related Products: FS-EX310-1

    The FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchor was initially marked as a 5,000 lbs. ANSI Z359.18-2017 rated single point anchor with a limited working radius of 30°. The product manual stated, “The FS-EX310-1 is not for use in Horizontal Lifeline (HLL) applications.” However, after extensive testing, the Ring Anchor is suitable for HLL use.

    HLL use with the Ring Anchor is permitted in systems that require a 5,000 lbs. or less anchor point. The anchor still meets ANSI Z359.18-2017 when used as a single point anchor with a working radius of 30°. Additionally, the Ring Anchor meets OSHA regulations as a 3,600 lbs. anchor point when used as a single point anchor with a 360° working radius.

    Products already in the field may not reference HLL use on labels/manuals. However, future labels and manuals will be updated. Current product specifications have not changed. Therefore, the use of current FS-EX310-1 Ring Anchors in the field with HLLs is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual and guidelines.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

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  • Compatibility of Safewaze Products with Competitors’ Products

    Related Products: Safewaze Anchors, SRLs, Lanyards, and Harnesses

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.6-2016, OSHA 1926.502

    According to OSHA, “Individual components in a fall arrest or positioning device system may be made by different manufacturers so long as they meet the compatibility requirements.” ANSI outlines product compatibility in Z359.6-2016 stating that, “All directly connected components of an active fall protection system must be compatible, performing as intended and preventing unintentional disengagement during system use or in the event of a fall.”

    Safewaze equipment is designed for, and tested with, associated Safewaze components or systems. Safewaze products, like those of other manufacturers, undergo testing in compliance with relevant OSHA regulations and ANSI standards. Safewaze products may be used with competitor products to provide fall protection, provided the following guidelines are followed:

    1. The chosen competitor components meet applicable ANSI and OSHA requirements.
    1. A Competent Person onsite oversees the entire system, ensures compatibility, and confirms that each component meets the manufacturer’s requirements for its specific use.
    1. The manufacturer’s instructions are read, understood, and followed for all components and subsystems in the Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS).

    An exception to this policy would be horizontal lifeline systems (HLLs). HLLs are designed, tested, and sold as complete systems and include components specifically engineered to perform a precise function within the system. The use of ANSI compliant competitor products, such as harnesses, lanyards, and SRLs, can be used in conjunction with HLLs. However, the parts sold with the system itself can not be interchanged. A Safewaze example of this type of system would be the SafeLink Horizontal Lifeline System.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and installation information.

    Download Bulletin
  • OSHA Personal Fall Arrest Systems Below D-Ring Anchorage

    Related Products: SRL-Ps

    Related Standards: OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, and 1910 Subpart I Appendix D

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, establishes comprehensive requirements and regulations for Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS). One type of PFAS is a Self- Retracting Lifeline (SRL). OSHA mandates that all SRLs adhere to specific minimum and maximum performance requirements.

    The regulations for SRLs encompass various factors: free fall distances, minimum tensile load strengths, allowed Maximum Arrest Forces (MAF), etc. A Self-Retracting Lifeline must possess sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential impact energy resulting from a fallen worker’s free fall of 6 ft. (1.8 m), or the maximum free fall distance permitted by the system-- whichever is the lower of the two.

    Although above D-ring anchorage is the preferred anchorage tie-off level in the industry, there are situations where it may be impractical. These situations require the user to initiate below D-ring tie-off. Compliance with OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, and 1910 Subpart I Appendix D is required for Self- Retracting Lifelines, regardless of its anchorage height.

    Consult OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, and 1910 Subpart I Appendix D for detailed information on these regulations.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

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  • OSHA Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS) - User Capacity Range

    Related Products: Personal Fall Arrest Systems

    Related Standards: OSHA 1926.502, 1910.140, 1910.66

    To date, the requirements outlined in the ANSI standards limit the user capacity on all fall arrest systems and components to 130-310 lbs. (59-141 kg). Capacity is defined as the combined weight of the user and includes all clothing, tools, and equipment attached. OSHA regulations do not specify a specific user weight capacity for personal fall arrest systems (PFAS), leaving this decision to the manufacturers to independently test, certify, and claim capacity on their product documentation.

    OSHA outlines in 1910.140(d)(1)(V) and 1926.502 (Subpart M App C) how to properly test PFAS components to ensure they meet the mandated performance requirements. Safewaze, as a manufacturer of personal protection equipment, uses these requirements, combined with some elements of the ANSI test requirements, to determine if our products can be rated to a user capacity beyond the current ANSI regulations.

    OSHA’s 1910.66 regulation states that the rigid test mass vs. the human force limit is a factor of 1:4. Safewaze has adopted the ANSI philosophy of using 1:1 test masses when determining compliance and user capacity. For example, when targeting 85 lbs. for the minimum user capacity, an 85 lb. test mass is used. When testing to the 420 lb. maximum user capacity, a 420 lb. weight is used. This is done in order to ensure our products are safe and that each product meets, or exceeds, the minimum 2:1 safety factor per the OSHA regulations.

    Based on lab testing performed on our products, Safewaze can certify that our anchors, body wear, and connectors (SRLs, Lanyards, Vertical Lifelines, etc.) have a user capacity that exceeds the ANSI limits. Safewaze products are tested and certified to:

    • ANSI 130-310 lbs. (59-140kg)*
    • OSHA 85-420 lbs. (38-190kg)*

    *including all clothing, tools, and equipment

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319.

    Additionally, refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and installation information.

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  • Use of Various Fasteners with the 5K Swivel D-Ring Anchor

    Related Products: 021-4082 5K Swivel D-Ring Anchor

    Related Standards: ANSI Z359.18 Type A, OSHA 1926.502 and 1910.66

    In order to allow for user customization, various fasteners are compatible with the 5K Swivel D-Ring Anchor. The user can choose to install a wedge or screw bolt with the anchor. Safewaze offers and recommends the 021-4073 concrete wedge bolt and the 021-4053 concrete screw bolt to use with the anchor. Safewaze equipment is designed for, and tested with, associated Safewaze components or systems. However, an example of a permitted bolt substitution for this anchor would be Hilti’s HSL4-B. The use of competitor fasteners is permissible provided the user follows the Safewaze product manual, the chosen alternative fastener manual, and the following guidelines provided:

    1. The alternative bolt has a diameter between 1/2’’ and 5/8’’.

    2. The alternative bolt has an embedment depth of 4 1/2’’.

    3. The alternative bolt is intended for concrete installation.

    4. A Competent Person has determined the alternative fastener is capable of supporting intended loads on the anchor assembly.

    If you have any questions regarding the information in this Technical Bulletin, please contact Customer Service at (800) 230-0319. Refer to the Safewaze manual provided with the product, or available online, for proper use and additional installation information.

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  • What is a Technical Bulletin?
    Technical Bullets convey information that is beyond the scope of the product manual. These documents are intended to communicate helpful or clarifying information to the customer.

    How to Look Up a Technical Bulletin
    All Technical Bulletins can be found on their respective product landing page or the Technical Bulletin subsection of our FAQ.