- To start the process, reach out to the local distributor where you originally purchased your SRL.
- Work with your distributor to complete the repair request form and include a copy in the box. Download the repair form here.
- Have your distributor ship the form and SRL to Safewaze at the address provided on the repair request form marked “Attn: Repairs.” the shipment needs to come directly from the distributor.
- Upon receiving the product, our Repair Department will conduct a thorough inspection of the item(s). Please note that an inspection fee as listed on the form will apply even if a repair is not made.
- Safewaze Repair Department will generate a quote and send it to the designated contact person listed on the form. If parts are readily available, the repair quote will be prepared within three days; otherwise, the quote will be sent when parts are available.
- Once authorization is granted from the contact, the repair will be made promptly.
- Once repair is complete, the SRL(s) will be shipped back to the distributor or directly to the end user as specified on the repair request form.
- Shipping charges will be included in the invoice unless otherwise requested for shipment using the distributor’s UPS or FedEx account.
For further questions about the Safewaze SRL service process, contact customer service at 800-230-0319 or email info@safewaze.com.