Rescue Assist Kit


Rescue Assist Kit


Rescue Kits

The Rescue Assist Kit provides two solutions for quick and easy rescue of a fallen worker. Utilize the rescue sling with a conscious worker or cable clamp with someone who is unconscious. Ideal for construction, roofing and general industry as well as other markets.


  • Ratchet assembly rated to 3,000 lbs. with 2 carabiners
  • 10’ abrasion-resistant kernmantle rope assembly with 1 carabiner
  • Edge protector for added security
  • Secure, adjustable sling assembly
  • Cable clamp rated to 1,000 lbs.
  • Durable, water repellent bag


SKU: 018-6000 Categories: , ,

The Rescue Assist Kit provides two solutions for quick and easy rescue of a fallen worker. Utilize the rescue sling with a conscious worker or cable clamp with someone who is unconscious. Ideal for construction, roofing and general industry as well as other markets.

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Maximum Length: 20.8' (6.3 m)
Materials: Kernmantle rope, rescue sling with polyester web and pads plus steel hardware, plastic edge protector, steel cable clamp, ratchet assembly with polyester web and fiberglass handle plus steel hardware, canvas bag, steel alloy heat-treated carabiners
Weight: 18 lbs. (8.2 kg)
ANSI Weight Capacity: 130-310 lbs. (59-141 kg)
OSHA Weight Capacity: Up to 420 lbs. (191 kg)